IKEv2 configuration guide for all major platforms

IKEv2 proves itself to be extremely secure while also demonstrating high stability and performance speed. Therefore, it will be no wonder if you decide to use it on your device. This guide will walk you through the IKEv2 setup on the most popular platforms, such as iOS, macOS, and Windows. So let's start!

First of all, you need to create manual configuration files. In this regard, please follow a few simple steps described in our tutorial.

Please note that this option is considered equivalent to 1 active device, therefore occupies 1 slot.

Now, choose your platform and follow a few simple steps.

1. Go to System Preferences > Network.

2. Click to create a new service.

3. Set the following data:

  • Select VPN for Interface

  • Select IKEv2 for VPN Type

  • Enter the desired Service Name, for instance, VPN Unlimited (IKEv2)

When you finish, click Create.

4. Input the following data:

  • Server Address: enter the desired server address from the provided list

  • Remote ID: enter ironnodes.com

  • Local ID: leave this field empty

  • Set a checkbox for Show VPN status in menu bar

5. On the same screen, click Authentication Settings and input the following data:

  • Keep Username selected

  • Enter Username provided by VPN Unlimited

  • Enter Password provided by VPN Unlimited

When you finish, click OK and then Apply.

6. Click Connect and the VPN connection will be established in few seconds.

That's about it. Now you have a running VPN connection through the IKEv2 protocol.

Important! Please note that you will need to configure your device using the generated settings by yourself at your own risk.